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super-immunity germ shield spray - 5 pack

super-immunity germ shield spray - 5 pack

Regular price $67
Regular price Sale price $67
product description

Stock up on our Super-Immunity Germ Shield surface and air mist. it’s made with anti-microbial essential oils of lemongrass, coriander, clove, mandarin, thyme and oregano oils and highlights flower essences for maintaining healthy energetic boundaries.

full-time traveler? big family? lots of grubby little hands? decrease the germs entering your nose and throat by clearing the air with plant botanicals! consistency is key with viral protection, so keep a bottle in your purse, your car, at the door, in the diaper bag.

5 - 2 oz bottle | ~600 sprays each

When to Use

germ infested environments – to help protect yourself from exposure, spray into surrounding air prior to entering, and after leaving the environment. mist onto shared surfaces such as plane tray table, remote control, elevator button, shopping cart handle, light switches, doorknobs.

good for anywhere! planes | cars | stores | offices | public transport | hotels

essential oils

Scent profile: citrus, spicy, green

Lemongrass (cymbopogon citratus)◆, Coriander (coriandrum sativum)◆, Clove (syzygium aromaticum), Oregano (origanum vulgare)◆, Thyme (thymus vulgaris)◆ Red Mandarin (citrus reticulata) ◆organic ingredient

Energetic Medicine

Flower Essences of magnolia (magnolia grandiflora), mustard (sinapis arvensis), gorse (ulex europaeus).

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