yellow violet violeta amarilla flower- essence

Yellow violet / Violeta Amarilla Flower Essence

Scientific Name: viola reichei


gemfleur: energy+

Yellow violet is an essence from the Chilean rainforest. It holds a very high frequency.

It quickly reorganizes energy through the chakras, distributing chi as it is meant to flow. It’s indicated for those who are zapped of their vitality because they are subjected to the stress of tyrannical and despotic people. It is also indicated for said despotic and tyrannical people who can benefit from putting themselves into other’s shoes and growing in empathy and compassion.

This flower essence assists those dealing with cruelty, instability, and tyranny. It promotes understanding, empathy, humility, and respect. Physical symptoms of this imbalance may include: hypertension, dizziness, vomiting, vertigo.

Yellow violet stabilizes the mood and emotions producing a blessed inner peace.

Source: Andessence Bosque Profundo de Chile