olive flower essence

Olive Flower Essence

Scientific Name: olea europaea


breathe me: energy, mood-boost

gemfleur: decongest+

Olive is one of Dr. Bach’s 38 flower essences

…is the remedy for tiredness and exhaustion after an effort of some kind, such as hard physical or mental labor, or the long struggle against illness.

Olive can be usefully contrasted with Hornbeam, which is the remedy for tiredness felt before an effort has been made.

The remedy gives us what we need to restore our strength and the faith we need to continue an effort.

We may feel energized, or we may, at last, be able to rest properly.

Dr. Bach’s description

Those who have suffered much mentally or physically and are so exhausted and weary that they feel they have no more strength to make any effort. Daily life is hard work for them, without pleasure.

Source: Bach Centre.