kahili flower grevillea flower essence

Kahili Flower / Grevíllea Flower Essence
Scientific Name: grevillea banksii
breathe me: sleep
gemfleur: sleep
bath salt: sleep
- Need to let go of anger?
- Nervous?
- Easily irritated?
Transmute feelings of anger, irritation, and nervousness into calm and inner harmony. These feelings arise from an inner conflict of feeling powerless to outside circumstances. You may be experiencing inner turmoil because someone is violating your boundaries. When boundaries are violated and repair left undone, the soul feels particularly discontent. Examples range from family members asking you to take sides, someone meddling in your affairs, neighbors blasting their stereo, co-workers taking advantage of you, people who speak loudly in public places, harassment. Grevilia helps you strengthen your energetic boundaries, so you are less prone to be zapped by others.