
Diamond gem elixir –

Made from faceted and raw diamonds under a lunar cycle, this gem elixir amplifies joy and delight. It counteracts fatigue and exhaustion.


gemfleur : energy+

From Crystal Vaults

Diamond is a crystal of Light; its high-frequency energy is dispersed into flashing prisms of brilliant “fire” that typifies the sun. It is a spiritual stone, a symbol of perfection and illumination, activating the Crown and Etheric Chakras. It enhances inner vision and stimulates creativity, imagination, and ingenuity, opening the mind to the “new” and “possible.” Placed on the Third Eye, a Diamond encourages psychic development, and is a valuable tool for remote viewing, telepathic communication and clairvoyance. [Kunz, 325][Melody, 243] [Megemont, 78][Ahsian, 135-136]

In addition to its spiritual power, Diamond has an unconquerable hardness and has been known since antiquity as a “Stone of Invincibility,” bringing victory, superior strength, fortitude and courage to its wearer. It is associated with lightning and fearlessness, and for its properties of protection. It is a symbol of wealth and manifesting abundance in one’s life, an amplifier of energies, goals and intent, and is highly effective in magnifying the vibrations of other crystals for healing. It is particularly beneficial set in gold and worn on the left arm. [Kunz, 70-71][Gienger, 33][Fernie, 66, 69][Hall, 122-123]

The Diamond, in its rarity and beauty, is a symbol of purity and innocence, of love and fidelity, and embraces strength of character, ethics, and faithfulness to oneself and others. It is indicative of the loving and open nature with which one came into the physical realm, and encourages the aspect of truth and trust. It is a love-bearing crystal, regarded in antiquity as dependable in its virtues only when received as a gift. Today the engagement ring, wedding ring, and other articles of jewelry symbolize the gift of persons in love. [Gienger, 33][Ahsian, 136][Melody, 243][Kunz, 73][Mella, 84]

Perfect in structure, Diamond is referred to as the “king of gems,” unique in its powers of light reflection and dispersion, and the hardest natural substance known. Composed of pure carbon, the foundational element of life, it is the one and only “10” on the hardness scale, crystallized deep in the earth’s mantle under intense heat and pressure. Its name is derived from the Greek adamas, meaning “indomitable,” “unbreakable,” or “untamable,” and diaphanus, meaning “transparent.” [www.mindat.org][www.gemdat.org][Fernie, 64-65][Mella, 82][Megemont, 77]

Diamond’s crystal symmetry is cubic, forming in a variety of octahedrons, triangles, cubes and amorphous shapes, and may be transparent, translucent or opaque, with a greasy luster and perfect cleavage. Diamond is most often thought of as colorless, though it also forms in white, black, and various shades of yellow, brown, blue, green, pink, red, champagne-tan, cognac-brown, and very rarely, lilac. While quality Diamonds are carefully cut into gems and used in jewelry, lesser Diamonds are used in industrial applications, especially for cutting and polishing. For metaphysical use, Diamond crystals are preferred to cut Diamonds because the natural shape acts to strengthen and harmonize the energies moving through them. [www.mindat.org][Simmons, 134-135]