

Jenny Pao

I have a tenacity for joy and life, to me, is a journey toward wholeness. Every time I’ve broken apart, I have found a way to weave myself back together. The modalities and wisdom I have learned are in every drop of Nectar Essences.

My paternal ancestry is pure Mongolian, direct descendants of Ghenghis Khan. They gave me a deep connection to land, birds, and sky. My maternal ancestry is Han Chinese, full of artists, opera singers, painters, writers, and physicians.

I had severe stomachaches everyday of my childhood. My mother, a yogi and literature professor taught me meditation and Buddhist mantras. She rubbed my belly, sang me songs, and told me stories. I could not be soothed. At 17, I was in a serious car accident and incurred a head injury that drastically affected my cognition, digestive health and left me with unrelenting chronic pain.

I studied health, happiness and illness across cultures at UC San Diego. I discovered the universal truths that spiritual wellbeing and community support were intrinsic in creating health and that illness was never without an emotional or spiritual origin.

At 20, I was called to the jungles of Costa Rica to study abroad. After 3 years of seeking help through acupuncture and chiropractics, herbs, and allopathic medicine, I was still stuck in pain. I met a holistic healer in Costa Rica who told me my physical ailments were connected to my emotions. He gave me weekly doses of flower essences, dewdrops collected from blossoming flowers. They lifted buried emotions to the surface and allowed them to flow. I felt euphoric and connected. I had a calling to heal.

While studying massage therapy at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, I realized that acupuncture was not enough for me. I wanted something else, but I didn’t know what it was. I had a dream I was on a massage table, receiving healing touch from five blond women. Two days later, I pulled into the parking lot of a local coffee shop and I saw a blond woman pulling a massage bed out of her car. I heard a voice say, “Follow her.” I followed the woman into a student clinic for energy healing and accepted a session, given to me by five blond women. I got off the table 45 minutes later and felt as if a vice have been removed from my head. I enrolled in a two-year program of Quantum Energetics and have been practicing it ever since.

Quantum Energetics is a therapy that systematically ‘talks’ to the body to ask what it needs. Clients would come in for a number of physical issues but at the end of the day, the person was really suffering an affliction of the heart and soul. I began making a custom flower essence one for each client. The release of emotions was so imperative for sustained physical transformation.

Flower essences are such a beautiful way to address the emotions because they are subtle and gentle. Because many of my clients were children it was hard to get them to swallow the drops of flower essences under their tongue. Through my studies, I learned that it was often even more effective to use flower essences topically. In 2007, I launched Nectar Essences.

I continually add new elements and energetic gifts to the formulations, weaving together my health and wholeness with yours.

Jenny Pao

Blossoming into our fullest potential is a lot easily when we have flowers to help guide the way!